CALGARY, Alberta – Area Senior Landman, Ronnie Bronson, recently took advantage of his expense account by expensing a non work-related lunch last Thursday.

So I met up with a long-time buddy for lunch, and to show him how well I was doing, I decided to take him out to lunch and have my employer pay for it.

It turns out that Ronnie’s buddy is not even in the Oil and Gas business, but rather a volunteer fireman in the Pumphouse #2 fire station located in South Calgary.

We didn’t talk much about land, but I did learn that he is the unofficial chef for Pumphouse #2 and that his Kung Pow Coconut Shrimp appetizer is a real hit with the guys at the station.

With a little bit of creative expensing, Mr. Bronson expects to get this past his boss no problem.



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