TORONTO, The Centre of the Universe – According to the Disassociated Press, the National Hockey League has just signed a deal with Red Deer-based Bitu-Cubes and its wholly-owned subsidiary Packed-Pucks, for a next generation, petroleum based hockey puck. The result of a 3-year negotiation and product development, the deal will see all pucks in the NHL and associated leagues in play starting in fall 2025.
Modelled out of compressed bitumen sourced in northern Alberta, the pucks are created out of a heavy oil residue similar to the bricks used for low income housing construction. They are 23% lighter and 48% harder than conventional hockey pucks, which should add some drama to the games (especially for goalies). While the same dimensional size, a titanium core is used to decrease compressibility and reduce energy loss through the body of the puck during hard shots.
The pucks are predominantly a bitumen-fiberglass compound with a proprietary resin bonding agent sourced from the sap of redwood trees from British Columbia. They will be slightly toxic and not intended for recreational use, nor will they be available to the general public. This will ensure they di not get used on open waterways or lakes, ponds, etc.
Ernie Muffgher, Bitu-Cubes
“We see this as a win-win. We can sell our product to an internationally known sports association and they get a very good deal on a product necessary for their continuing play. We can create the pucks at 12% of conventional cost at our Whitecourt facility, and even with 18-month degradation times, replacements can be had quickly.” – Ernie Muffgher, Bitu-Cubes
The Bitu-Cubes were tested in practices and on a few spot tests in minor hockey, although shot speeds were too excessive for children divisions. It is also rumoured that pucks can be imprinted with varying colours and patterns to reflect the latest protest and or political issue.
Andrew Mangiapane, a right winger for the Calgary Flames is requesting that they have the team’s practice pucks imprinted with city of Calgary mayor Gondek’s face, which he believes will inspire the team to break shot speed records.