EDMONTON, Alberta – With dwindling membership numbers due to the protracted downturn in the oil and gas industry since early 2015, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geo-Scientists of Alberta has turned to offering continuing education courses to help diversify its offerings and boost its annual revenues.
Although the self-regulated body is planning to offer upwards of 45 courses starting in early 2021 Q2, the top 10 courses according to feedback garnered from a recent survey are as follows:
- Ass to Mouth Resuscitation in Invert Laden Environments
- 1:1 Scale Reservoir Mapping Techniques in the Bakken
- Rotational Cuttings Dynamics with Special Spence
- Drilly The Clown demonstrates the Pump and Squeeze (18+)
- Working Pipe in Tight Hole: Size matters, but so does lube.
- Correlation of Atmospheric Events on drill cuttings catching
- Reducing Permeability in good reservoirs with Cementy McPumpants
- Conventional drilling with a rotary steerable BHA: (Because you know that shit fails)
- Conflict Resolution in an Engi-Dominant workplace: The right hammer for the job
- Black Logs Matter: Politically correct geological interpretation and why shales matter too
An APEGSA insider was kind enough to share the details of some of the course outlines for some of the Top 10 courses with 2P News’ Rodecker Smith.
Correlation of Atmospheric Events on Drill Cuttings Sampling
A significantly overlooked component on geological reports is dedicated to current weather conditions. Atmospheric events such as incoming solar flux, angle of incidence, dew point and barometric pressure have a direct correlation to the quality and deliverability of drill cuttings supplied by the sample catcher. Explore concepts such as: “It’s too hot”, “It’s too cold”, “Ice isn’t safe”, “It’s too windy”, “It’s raining”, “I don’t like mud”, “I have a headache”, “If you can’t do it right, do it at night”, “Work? Why not enjoy a nice day?”, and various other factors which negatively impact the ability a sample catcher to do the easiest job on earth.
1:1 Reservoir Mapping Techniques in the Bakken
With upper management lacking any attention to detail and department heads blind as bats, it’s important to help these nincompoops distinguish their asses from holes in the ground. Learn the basics of 1:1 reservoir mapping to, quite literally, provide a regional look at your data; it’s almost as good as taking management to the field! For those taking our Black Logs Matter Course, crayons will be provided in our hit new geological colors including: Shale Black, Ebony Sandstone, Oppressed Siltstone, Midnight Gamma, Negra Nephrite, and Obsidian Long Pole.
BLACK LOGS MATTER: PC geological interpretation and why shales matter too
With logic and common sense having gone the way of the dodo, it is, apparently, important to consider PC culture in every minuscule instance of our pathetic lives. Dive head-first into socio-geological topics such as: All strip log tracks should be black to promote fairness in presenting data; Did you just assume the lithologies color, grainsize and orientation?; Mental health issues regarding maximum stress and field development, and Overcoming outdated practices – pushing pelagic shales to the back of the drilling itinerary and segregated shale only drilling programs.
Working Pipe in Tight Hole: Size Matters but so Does Lube
Expert deep-penetration driller Girth Savage is joined by renowned Columnist Megan Drillinger (intercourse reading here and here) to cover topics such as: Drilling virgin hole; Proper back-end reaming techniques; Use of silicon lubricants in dirty invert holes; and Protecting your tool – always use casing on new and intermediate holes.
Ass to Mouth Resuscitation in Invert Laden Environments
Is the drilling consultant screwing everyone to tears, or possibly to death? Often the presence of volatile substances, such as invert smeared across a rough necks face, may prove hazardous to the rescuer when applying standard 1st aid techniques. When conventional CPR is not an option, or just seems very happy, these advanced rescue techniques demonstrate how to inflate the lungs without providing mouth to mouth. Advanced topics may include: Applications of one and two man reach-arounds when soaked in drilling fluid; and Proper teammate spooning techniques and How to apply two sets of legs when encountering massive loads.
So there you have it. If you are in the market to level-up on your technical oil and gas knowledge, please consider the new continuing education courses offered by APEGSA.