Pyongyang, North Korea – Scientific leaders in North Korea have announced the largest reserves of LPG ever discovered in North Korea. The find follows several months of oil and gas exploration using new technologies and proprietary algorithms developed and used exclusively by the North Koreans. The reserves have yet to be tallied, but it is expected to be the largest onshore discovery in the region.
Using new spatial reservoir modelling and aerial rocket-driven geomagnetic surveys, the exploratory team was able to define a potential play in the Huangyathra region, just south of the western edge of Tamghaja. The reserves were identified and delineated using a new thermal computer model running Windows XPNK and Reservoir-Rocket modelling software. The combination makes a powerful suite of tools for finding oil and gas where there might not even be any.
North Korea’s aerial rocket-driven geomagnetic survey equipment
The key advantage of this gas reserve is also that is was discovered above ground. In this instance, there will be no drilling required and no expat expertise brought into the country for resource extraction. The gas can be moved and distributed by hand, requiring only manual labour and maybe a few forklifts.
Rimseung Fratelli
“We believe the reserves will last our citizens for years if we ration it properly. We have sent gas samples to the lab to help us determine what uses are best, as we do not currently have the ability to process it ourselves. We will bring glory to our supreme leader.” – RimSeung Fratelli, Chief Explorationist, North Korean Gas Finding Company
American President Donald Trump is rumoured to have sent a letter of congratulations to Kim Jeung Boom on his latest discovery, and hopes they can use the gas reserves for energy purposes and finally scale down their nuclear program.
While no deals have been discussed between the two nations regarding the import of the gas to the United States, the possibility remains. It would stand to reason that with borders closed and no Canadians to help the Americans find, extract, and process their natural gas resources, they may have to import gas from other nations until COVID lockdowns have ended and borders re-open.