CALGARY, Alberta – A video has surfaced of a BMW driver waiting patiently while using his car’s turn signal to merge into traffic in a busy construction zone. The driver allegedly motioned a thank-you wave to the motorist who let him in.

The incident happened at around 5:07 p.m. Tuesday along northbound Crowchild Trail near Bow Trail, where traffic was slowed due to long-term construction in the area.

The 15-second security camera video shows a late model BMW M3 heading northbound on Crowchild Trail approaching a heavy construction area where 3 lanes of northbound traffic was reduced to 2 lanes due to bridge maintenance over the Bow River. The vehicle, travelling in the curb lane that was about to end in 200m, was seen slowing down with its operator applying the left indicator light as he patiently waited to for somebody to allow him space to yield into the centre lane.

Lamar Jenkins, incident eye-witness

“I close my eyes and what do i see? I can still see that left turn signal flashing in my head, right next to the BMW emblem. There are some things that you see in life that you’ll never forget.” – Lamar Jenkins, eye-witness

Mike Oxlong, a construction worker in the area, also witnessed the incident. “At first I saw the M3 slowing down cautiously as it approached the barricade, which I found a little odd. Normally those guys just force their way into traffic. And that’s when the unthinkable happened… the left indicator started to flash, almost as if it was in slow motion. And more incredibly, it appears that the BMW driver waved to thank the driver who let him in.”

READ MORE: BMW dealerships around the globe remind BMW owners to bring their vehicles in every 6000 kms to top up the blinker fluid.

Amazingly, the man driving the vehicle – who reportedly drives this route in his daily commute – was able to continue driving without injury to his left hand. A number of witnesses who fainted at the scene where transported to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

An incident reconstruction engineer with the Calgary Police Department, Graham Kracher, who was on the scene of the incident agrees that the outcome could have been much worse.

“Had this driver not signaled and just cut into traffic like BMW operators typically do, he would have upset quite a few fellow commuters contributing to possible long-lasting psychological effects. So we should be counting our lucky stars. For once a BMW driver remembered to top up his car’s blinker fluid.”

Kracher said that turn signal usage data is available and can be downloaded from newer BMW vehicles. He added that his office will continue to investigate this incident to determine exactly how the M3’s turn signal was activated.

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BMW driver responsible for the traffic incident.

Calgary Police were able to track down the subject behind this traffic incident and questioned him about his actions. The 33 year-old executive with Babetex Energy remarked, “Sorry? Say that again… there’s video footage of me using my turn signal? Nope. I drive a BMW, an M3 no less – we don’t need turn signals. Flashers are designed for the weak, for followers. BWM drivers are leaders, that’s what we do. We lead in corporate head offices, in our households, and of course on the road, and for all of that we don’t need turn signals.”

Upon closer inspection of the video footage of the incident taken from various angles, it can be seen that the man accidentally hit the turn signal shaft downwards as he brought his hand down from applying gel to his hair. And the thank-you wave witnessed by the construction worker, it was nothing more than a middle finger salute.


  1. I needed the hard-core laugh this article elicited from me today. Well done, sir! Honestly can’t believe I’ve not seen this before. Definitely will be sharing for you.

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