CALGARY, Alberta – The International Internet News Trustworthy Agency (IINTA) recently audited, and much to the shock and disbelief of 2P News co-founders, Antoine McGuilicuddy and Darcy Flowman, the wildly popular news site is at a risk of being closed down. The IINTA claims that the articles published by 2P News are of dubious authenticity.
Bruce Ricklesong, P.Ass.
Having read through most of the content of the 2P News website, we find it very hard to believe that any of the articles represent the truth. And as the international regulatory body responsible for trustworthy news on the Internet, we have formally audited 2P News and we are currently getting the paperwork together to have the site shut down. We are here to protect the general Internet news reading public, and we must take a stand against 2P News and stand up for the truth.
Furthermore, the site’s co-founders, Mr. Darcy Flowman, P.Eng. and Mr. Antoine McGuilicuddy, P.Geo., claim to be registered with the Province of Alberta. But our investigators called APEGA and they are not. They are charlatans!! And the 70s afro and pornstar moustache – THEY HAVE TO GO!! – Bruce Ricklesong, Director of Truth, IINTA
In its file of claim, the IINTA has drawn attention to a number of articles that 2P News was not able to support with facts. These include a story about Fairview man having an accident with a downhole packer and his penis; Canada being in a coma on its 146th birthday, and Calgary closing down Stoney Trail. The IINTA claims that it is all bullshit.
Antoine M., 2P News co-founder
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened a registered letter addressed to me and learned that our site could be shut down if we didn’t authenticate the truthfulness of the articles within 60 days. What a mess. So they are calling BS on our work? Who do they think they are, the United States of the Internet world? We will appeal any attempt that those truth shitheads make to shut us down.
In light of this news, a group of 2P News supporters, roughly 700 of them, assembled outside of the American Consulate in Calgary to protest the claims made by the US-based Internet authority. The lead protestor had the following to shout,
This is some bullshit right here. I love the 2P News organization and the legitimate news that it publishes. I can’t think of one article that anybody could possibly believe is untrue. In fact, subscribe to the 2P News weekday newsletter because there’s nothing better than the smell of a little truthfulness first thing in the morning.
At the time that this article was written, Antoine McGuilicuddy and Darcy Flowman were enroute to Washington, DC, to sort things out the 2P way.
I hope you and everyone you work with gets shafted in an audit for publishing this crap.