CALGARY, Alberta – In record time after the nominations for the fall 2013 Calgary civil election closed, a soaringly expensive press release hit the media. Naheed Nenshi has not just proposed, but autocratically approved a future safety plan to help Calgarians in the event of another flood.
His highness Mayor Nenshi plans to extend Calgary’s Plus 15 walkway system into all neighborhoods within the flood zones. A plan that may seem ludicrous at first read, but actually makes perfect sense.
The idea of getting people to safety in a flood requires one thing – getting them out of the path of the water. What better way to do that than with elevated sidewalks encased in glass for them to simply walk to safety. – Brad Hoarchild, Bigham Engineering
Proposed Plus 15 Sections in black
The ambitious plan will involve several engineering and construction firms brought in from all over the world. A 72 KM network of elevated, heated, and serviced Plus 15 skyways will be constructed and fully operational by late 2018. Space will be provided for vendors such as Tim Hortons and Starbucks, as well as exits and entrances from ground level in locations convenient for public transit. There will also be a washroom located at every intersecting junction.
Plans to make the new sections heated has the added bonus of extending 4 season pedestrian access for citizens living within the accessible zones. The new network will stretch the limits of current bridge spans and tensile strength material evaluations will have to be doubly checked before construction is approved, but many think that new materials and space-age design can make this project feasible.
Hadley Mikshitup
Technology being what it is, spans for an elevated skywalk can now reach 400ft safely, so we should have no problem reaching out between areas where we cannot put vertical support posts. This is going to be a difficult project however, and there is a lot of planning to make sure the whole damn thing doesn’t fall on the streets below. But we can do anything if we put our minds to it. – Hadley Mikshitup, P.Eng., President of APEGA, 1934-present
Boisterous outrage arose from spectators and the media upon Nenshi’s news of the plan, and some Councillors actually collapsed in shock. With a price tag closing on $15 Billion as a rough estimate, it’s no surprise there was anger in the crowd.
“That’s right. Up there. That’s where they need to be!“
I’m just doing what’s best for Calgarians. I think I owe them that much after all the support they showed me during the recent flooding crisis. If I can save just one person from getting wet, I consider that a win for Calgary. I want to do this and forever be know as the man who built sidewalks in the sky. – Mayor Nenshi to 2P News outside the press conference.